If you have a heat pump, then the indoor unit is the air handler.
- If you have a furnace, its the air handler; This term refers to the unit housing the blower fan that draws “untreated” air into the system where it “treats” it by removing heat plus humidity in summer time plus adding heat in winter.
The air handler then pushes it back into your residing space. There are single speed air handlers plus variable speed air handlers, single speed air handlers run full blast whenever they are on… Variable speed air handlers have numerous speeds plus begin at a low speed when the system first starts, once it is in full swing gas furnace or cooling the air, the speed ramps up to a higher speed, however as the cycle ends, the fan adjusts to a lower speed to blow remaining treated air out of the air handler! Better performance costs more. It’s that easy… Expect to pay 12 to 20 % more for a variable speed air handler.The maintenance bill will be higher with a variable speed air handler as well, then given these cons of having a variable speed air handler, there are more than 2 benefits plus indoor comfort is 1 of them. A variable speed unit starts plus ends each cycle on low speed. So, while the air might be a little warm or cool to start with, it will not be an unpleasant blast like a single speed unit. A single speed unit runs at full speed all the time, meaning you get a blast of untreated air at the beginning plus end of the cycle. It can be uncomfortably warm or cool. Variable speed units allow a better temperature balance plus operate at a lower speed so they use less electricity plus are more energy efficient plus quiet. Variable speed air handlers do a better task at condensing moisture out of the air, removing moisture from the air is 1 of the keys to indoor comfort. A variable speed air handler has more than 2 benefits to your pocket, your health, plus your home’s comfort.
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