Looking into a current temperature control

My current temperature control is over twenty years old.

It is a undoubtedly basic plastic dial that requires manual adjustment.

It provides nothing more than temperature adjustment. If both of us raise or lower the temperature control setting, it affects the temperature in every room of the house. I am not convinced that the temperature control is all that accurate. I am interested in upgrading to a smart temperature control. I am a little concerned that I might not be able to operate it. I struggle to figure out my smartphone, the cable remote plus our multiple smart appliances. I am lucky I can send SMS messages plus texts. I worry that I’ll invest in a state-of-the-art temperature control plus never figure out how to create a program, change the temperature or even switch from heating to cooling. I’ve been researching the strange makes plus models on the market! From what I’ve read, these devices are especially user-friendly. They also offer a wide range of cost-saving plus helpful features. There is a single model that includes studying capability. For the first month after replacement, the temperature control keeps track of every adjustment plus learns household schedules plus preferences. It then builds a customized program plus provides automatic adjustments to conserve energy. There is also a model that features geofencing. It uses GPS to know the locations of each family member’s smartphone plus reacts accordingly. The temperature control helps to avoid heating plus cooling an empty house to the perfect comfort level. Some models supply energy tracking, energy saving tips, react to voice commands plus send maintenance alerts. I have no system which temperature control would be best for our needs.

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