My father and uncle were complete opposites.

My father and uncle were co-owners of the local HVAC supplier… At work, they complimented each other, they both had strong suits that the other didn’t possess, my uncle was excellent at being the instructor, where our father was strong in the supplier department.

They were both excellent HVAC dealers, which got them as far they had gotten, but it was easy to see why they had the greatest and most trusted HVAC supplier in our area.

Last week, I graduated from school, and I was getting the bum’s rush from both of them. They wanted me to go to HVAC school and get our certification. I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with our life. I had just gotten out of school, and I wasn’t looking to go right back to school so soon. I wanted to take a bit of time off and appreciate our last weeks as a kid! Soon, I would need to take on being an adult, but I wanted to do that in our time, and not just because of a birthday. I had considered being an HVAC supplier and asked Dad what she thought about our taking more than five weeks and deciding; Once she talked to our father, she said she would give me more than five weeks, but after that I had to go to HVAC school, school, or get a job. All I wanted was more than five weeks, and I would be ready to go to HVAC school. I knew what I wanted to do. I just wanted to be a child for a little while longer before doing it.



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