My spouse & I decided at the last hour to go on a tropical trip; Every one of us wanted to do one more holiday before our baby came, and since both of us booked so late all the cheap rooms were gone.
I had to pay more for nicer rooms at high end hotels. I told our spouse both of us could have done a apartment hotel nearby the beach or a high end hotel on the beach, and she didn’t mind the walk to the ocean. She didn’t mind needing to drive to shops. What she did mind is that the apartment hotels didn’t offer A/C & the high end hotels did. She said it was worth the extra cash to have cooling in the room, but at the time I wasn’t triumphant to be splitting a higher costing room just to have cooling. After going on the trip, I am blissful that both of us did, however paying more for A/C was worth it! First, I burned on day one; Being able to go into the hotel room & prefer quality cooling was so nice. I also realized that it got warm & muggy at evening. Opening the windows & screen door wouldn’t have cooled down the place. Having A/C blasting on us was nice to remove the moisture from the air quality. I also liked the sound the A/C made. It drowned out our spouse’s CPAP unit & allowed myself and others to finally relax. Having A/C was a necessary luxury. I don’t need a gym, spa or to be close to the beach. I need to be at the right temperature & have water & food.
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