Filter Changes in the Winter wind

You probably know that keeping your HVAC system’s filter clean prevents restricted airflow, but you may not realize you need to change it every month throughout the winter.

  • According to the Department of Energy’s Energy Star program, you should check your filter monthly and replace it if it accumulates debris, or at least every three months.

This frequency for filter changes is certainly worthwhile, because it offers a number of benefits like a longer lifespan, lower utility bills, assured air quality, and fewer breakdowns requiring repairs. When you keep a clean filter in your HVAC system, it can helps prevent any unnecessary strain on the various system components. By preventing premature failure, you can put off a costly new equipment purchase longer as your equipment ages. As a consequence of ignoring filter changes, the HVAC system has to work harder to compensate for restricted airflow. As a result, the equipment’s efficiency decreases, and its energy consumption increases. You can save five to fifteen percent on your monthly operating costs by maintaining a clean filter. Routine filter changes are even more important if you have an air cleaner on your HVAC system. A clogged filter with a higher minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) can quickly restrict airflow. The air filter gets coated with debris when it isn’t replaced often enough, which can cause the particles to get into your HVAC system and collect on its sensitive components. Regularly changing the filter throughout the winter can help you avoid any inconvenience or discomfort, as well as preventable repairs.


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