I was losing my cool because of the high energy bill

Life hasn’t been easy ever since the pandemic hit.

The rate of inflation is going up and affecting millions of people.

Plus, now we have to deal with a gas crisis. Lately, I’ve been working on being more self-sufficient. It seems we’ve all become so dependent on certain things that are now seeming like a trap. For instance, the high food prices are worrying. This is why I now grow my own food in my small farm away from the city. But, one issue I’m yet to handle is the high energy bill that I get in the mail, especially during the summer and winter months. I try to work with minimal heating and cooling, but the high energy bill still seems to be an issue. Last year, my heating bill was so high that I had to consult with a specialist. I hired an HVAC specialist to come out to the farm and assess my unit. Perhaps she could tell me why my energy bill was so high. While it is true that the price of energy is getting higher, the HVAC specialist also explained that poor HVAC maintenance was an issue. I hadn’t consulted them for any HVAC maintenance in a long time. And this has caused my heating and cooling system to work inefficiently. The best way to lower the high energy bill was to have regular HVAC check ups and tune ups to ensure the unit was working properly. A good example of my poor choices was the air filter for my cooling unit. It was so old and gross that it had to be replaced immediately.


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