Finding great HVAC in an unlikely place

I think it’s over for air travel when it comes to 80 percent of my business travel.

The pandemic changed my thinking and I’m preferring to be inside my car with my air conditioning and I’ in charge of getting to my destination.

I’m just so done with the endless cancellations and constant discomfort of air travel. It was time to move on and I have. Of course, the pandemic sent us home to work from the central air conditioning of our homes. And I did my best to do all I could for my customers remotely. But once we got into the summer, it was clear that I needed to be visiting these places to provide the sort of service our company was built on. That’s when I loaded up the car, put the air conditioning on high and hit the highway. This seemed like a good solution for that particular situation. By hitting the road instead of the air, I could stick to the protocols when it came to protecting myself when it came to the virus. That’s what I came to love the benefits of driving instead of flying. Plus, I found terrific commercial HVAC at all the interstate hotels I stopped in along the way. So yeah, I think I’m done with flying unless I have to go all the way across the country. It just works so much better for the stress level standpoint that it’s worth maybe an extra half days travel time. Plus I just love not sweating it out in the bad air conditioning on the planes.





