I’m quite a nature lover and love exploring new places when I have the time.
This used to be my favorite thing to do when I was in school; however, ever since I got my work, it’s not as easy to get time off… However, last summer, I was facing extreme burn out and opted to head out for a week.
Then my neighbor owns a camper van that he enjoys using in fall, but she’s not a fan of traveling in Summer since there are too many tourists around. But, I had to do so during Summer because fall was a time for us at work. She explained that everything was run tests on including the A/C to keep me cool. My goal was to reach this remote forest 2 states away that is said to be on a peak and has the most amazing views… I’d stay there for a month and be back feeling refreshed. While I was packing, I opted at the last hour to bring a powerful portable A/C unit. While my neighbor had assured me the camper was running tests on and the A/C was now working, it didn’t hurt anyone to have a backup plan. Having a portable A/C at hand is better than hoping I’d brought it in case anything happened to the camper’s AC. It took many wrong turns for me to finally find the spot, then luckily, there was only one other campervan there and the guy just wanted to sleep. Three mornings into my relaxation, the A/C in the camper failed and I had to use my portable A/C unit. I felt so incredibly lucky to have it because it was getting hotter every afternoon.