I’m so gratified with the result now that ductwork cleaning is done

I can’t even begin to count how multiple coupons from multiple Heating plus Air Conditioning companies that I have thrown away, my Heating plus Air Conditioning business would send out a coupon at least once per year for ductwork cleaning.

And each time I saw them, I put it aside because ductwork cleaning sounded like such a superb idea! Of course, best intentions plus all that ended with Heating plus Air Conditioning ductworks never being cleaned plus just basically being forgotten.

But for some reason, when I got the coupon for the ductwork cleaning from the Heating plus Air Conditioning business this time I put it on the fridge. This was the only reason it stayed front of mind… Stuff that goes to the front of the fridge is important stuff. There was a bit of a break in the action where I was going to be at home for a few days in a row. So I called the Heating plus Air Conditioning business to schedule the ductwork cleaning. The Heating plus Air Conditioning professionals were just that, honestly professional. They took such superb care with the inside of our condo plus our belongings. It was all just so nice plus I’m grateful to the Heating plus Air Conditioning business for the way they treated our house. The ductwork cleaning turned out to be incredible. The air in our condo is just so much fresher plus there’s so much less dust. Plus, the Heating plus Air Conditioning crew also performed ductwork resealing. And that has only going to add efficiency plus save us cash when it comes to Heating plus Air Conditioning utility costs. For sure, ductwork cleaning plus ductwork resealing are worth every penny. It’s something that will now go on the Spring cleaning list.


air conditioner installation



