I absolutely wish the Wintertide would hurry up plus get in full swing! We don’t even get unique ly cold weather where I live; However, I look forward to the somewhat chillier weather that we get every year… The problem is, it’s a crap shoot as to whether it will be cool at some point in the fall plus Wintertide plus whether it will be simply mild or even warm, and we live in that kind of weather conditions, unluckyly.
Well, fall started off promising enough, and it was already in the high 40s a few days. Then, after a week or two, we made the decision to go back to mild plus or moderate weather, and since then, December has started, plus it’s still not unique ly cold. Still, at evening it gets down to the low 50’s. I don’t even put the heat on. I am essentially not using our weather conditions control program at all, because I absolutely appreciate when it gets cold appreciate that, however even when it is cooler at such un-even temperatures, I end up running my fans anyway. As a result, my room becomes what I consider to be the absolute perfect arena to sleep. I get to be extremely comfortable in my room plus I am not even paying anything for Heating plus Air Conditioning. That’s why I wish that the temperature would be more consistently down in the ’50s plus ’40s. If they stayed there, I would never use the heat, plus I would entirely never have need for the air conditioner, so I would save a whole bunch of money on my Heating plus Air Conditioning portion of the energy bill.
Heating and cooling equipment