My first job as a teenager

Needless to say, I really appreciated the air conditioning when I was allowed to walk into the business and chill out for a moment.

I remember my very first job as a teenager. It was what you’d probably think to be the most stereotypically low-paying job that you can think of. I was one of those guys that waves around signs for some business on the corner of the street. I know, I could have been replaced with a signpost, but darn it all if I didn’t give it my all! I danced around while listening to music and tried to be as animated as I could be without looking like a complete fool. I considered it a workout, although I wish I could walk around a little bit more. Obviously, the hot and humid weather was the most difficult part of the job. My typical shift was only 4 hours because it was part-time. I was allowed two 15 minute breaks, I could take them all at once or spread them out. Needless to say, I really appreciated the air conditioning when I was allowed to walk into the business and chill out for a moment. I suppose the air conditioning should have been top notch, because I was advertising for a heating and air conditioning shop! Sometimes the temperatures would soar into the triple digits on a summer afternoon. That’s when I really appreciated those 15 minute breaks inside the HVAC shop. It got me thinking that perhaps I could go to school to learn to be an HVAC technician so I could actually work inside the shop instead of slinging around a sign outside. That’s precisely what I did, and I love my job!

quality hvac



