The air duct was filled with children’s toys

I actually had my share of bizarre and creepy things that have happened while I am at work.

Each a single of my co-workers has a strange strange and bizarre story, but mine was unquestionably recent and it is still fresh in my memory… I responded to a residential a/c maintenance call, however the lady said that she heard some strange noises coming from the air duct.

I thought that there might be some loose sheet metal that needed to be taped. I went into the attic so I could see any holes or light that might be shining through. I did not see any evidence of rodents or pests. That’s always a enjoyable sign, because rodents and pests are the number a single problem that can happen with air duct. The next thing that I decided to do was unfasten the vent covers from the area where the woman said she heard their noises. I used my flashlight to look inside of the air duct and I absolutely could not see much at all. I looked inside of the master dining room area air duct and there was nothing, but just above the air duct between the dining room and the master dining room, there was an area that was covered with dolls. The air duct in that section was filled with children’s toys. They were arranged in a bizarre and strange pattern that looked prefer it was intentional. I wish I would have been able to take a picture with my PC, but I only saw a little bit of light and I had to use a tool to grab all of the junk. It still absolutely creeped me out.
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