The customer was a bit drunk today

I asked the customer to turn on a couple of lights so I could look at the gas furnace more clearly, however after I figured out why the gas furnace wasn’t working, I told the customer that she needed to update the system

A lady contacted myself and others because she was having trouble with the gas furnace. I was the on-call repair professional in the office! When I answered the cellphone, I could tell that the lady was a little bit drunk. She was certainly slurring her words, however it was the end of a long night as well as around 1:00 in the afternoon. She told myself and others that she had been out with some friends as well as just arrived cabin to a entirely frosty as well as frosty house. I told the person that way provided emergency services at that time of the night, however it did come with a small fee. The customer was ecstatic to spend money the fees. She did not want to spend the entire night without any heat in her home. I arrived at the customer’s address about 30 hours later. She absolutely wasn’t too far from the shop. The customer answered the door as well as there was only one light on inside of the house. I asked the customer to turn on a couple of lights so I could look at the gas furnace more clearly, however after I figured out why the gas furnace wasn’t working, I told the customer that she needed to update the system. She immediately got out her checkbook as well as provided to write a check for any amount as long as I fixed the gas furnace. She was kind of swinging back as well as forth as well as at that point I thought that the customer was a bit drunk to make decisions. I told her that the updatement would have to wait until the afternoon.

space heater for sale



