The hotel was unquestionably hot and humid

My girlfriend and I decided to check out all of the interesting and cool 420 sales this year.

It was actually pretty overheated on 420. I was surprised by the temperatures, but considering the fact that it was only April, it was pretty overheated and humid. There were a lot of lines at all of the places that every one of us visited. Every one of us stayed in line for 2 hours in the afternoon just so every one of us could take advantage of a single identifiable sale. Every one of us got a couple of absolutely nice free items, so it was actually worth waiting around during that time. It started off chilly in the afternoon when I woke up, but as soon as the sun came out it started to get hot. The sun was blazing down by noon! One identifiable place had the front door open. It was unquestionably hot and humid inside the building where every one of us were forced to wait. I had to use the bathroom and I stood in line for almost 30 hours. I was hoping that the bathroom was open inside of the dispensary, but there was a big sign that said the bathroom was only for employees. I barely made it to a gas station before urinating down my leg. It was a long and annoying afternoon after the sun came out. When I got current home later that day, I sat down on the couch and relaxed. I didn’t go anywhere at all the rest of the afternoon. I turned the AC unit down to a cool and comfortable temperature and I plucked down in front of the television to watch reruns of The Amazing Race and Survivor.

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