Both of us wanted to be home for the holidays.

Our family was trying to talk to my hubby, and I to come visit for the holidays.

I was the genre of lady who wanted to spend the holidays at home.

I didn’t mind going to see, even though I wanted to back in my bed at evening, then our youngsters didn’t understand this, and thought it was just us being old. Both of us also had more than seven youngsters and didn’t want any of them to think both of us were playing number ones. If both of us made the decision to go to 1 kid’s home this year; both of us would need to go to the other kid’s houses in other years. Both of us would never spend the holidays at home; As both of us predicted, our youngest daughter was anxious that both of us wouldn’t spend the holidays with her, but both of us didn’t care, she kept her home at 73 degrees. She thought it was better for the baby, but the baby was almost a year old. She had radiant, heated flooring in every room in the house. My hubby said she couldn’t sleep in a room that was that warm. Both of us had our kitchen thermostat at 65 so both of us could sleep comfortably. I couldn’t sleep if the bed itself got warm. I would have my feet out from under the covers all evening long. Both of us knew the bed in her home would be at the seventy-six degrees she kept in the house. Both of us finished our visit and headed home. It was nice to be at home and relax in our recliners all day long. Both of us had a new Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system that kept our home at a steady 69 degrees, and there were no youngsters around to frighten our naps.





