Dan is the current owner of the family oil furnace company

Mike plus I dated for several years while I was in school.

I thought every one of us were perfectly glad plus in love, however Mike had other ideas.

The night after graduation Mike sat myself and others down plus explained that he was going away to university, plus I was staying in our hometown to get a job with the family business, so it wouldn’t labor out between us. He dumped myself and others in the nicest possible way, however he dumped myself and others all the same. I took it really hard, plus pined for him for many years after that. How ironic is it that when I finally moved on plus forgot about Mike he came back into our life. I came to find out that Mike flunked out of university, plus then went to trade school to become an Heating plus A/C professional, then remember how I said I was a part of the “family business,” well that company is a oil furnace company, specializing in installing industrial furnaces in corporations plus warehouses… With his Heating plus A/C certification plus his family attachions, Mike got a great job in the business, plus then some years later was made the current owner. The company doesn’t make the kind of oil furnace you have in your home, they make the gigantic ones used for shopping malls, churches, plus warehouses. I saw him randomly at the bar one night, plus even though 15 years had passed I still felt that old spark. I may not ever need his services for a current oil furnace, however that person heats up our heart care about no one else ever has.



