Gammy suspected her air ducts were making her ill

There was so much dust and dirt in the ductwork which was causing Gammy to sneeze and cough

My gammy and I are pretty close. She is the one person in the world who has always understood and supported me. And I am so thankful that she has protected me from the cruelty that can at times come from family. When I was 15, I came out as gay, and my parents didn’t want to hear that. So, I ran away and went to stay with my mom’s mom. My gamy welcomed me, kept quiet about my presence in her home for a week, then phoned my parents. Since it was summer, she insisted I stay with her and only return home when I was ready. We spent 3 months together taking care of her small garden, chicken, cats, and dog. It was during this time that gammy told me that she thought her air ducts were making her ill. Gammy explained that she’d turned on the AC when it got too hot to stay without air conditioning in her farmhouse. A few days after turning on the AC, Gammy began to sneeze and cough. The symptoms were getting worse now that she was running the AC frequently. So, she knew it was time for a ductwork inspection. Gammy phoned the heating and AC company in town and this lovely lady answered the call. After explaining she wanted a ductwork cleaning, the lady booked the appointment and we had to wait 4 hours for the AC technicians to arrive. This was a two man job since the AC technicians had to clean out the ductwork. There was so much dust and dirt in the ductwork which was causing Gammy to sneeze and cough. The AC technicians also made sure they sealed any gaps they came across in the ductwork.





