Kamila wanted to know why her AC wasn’t working

Kamila and I have been friends for over a decade now. We first met when my brother invited me to a party when I went to live with him. I found a job in the city and had to find a place to stay. My brother invited me to live with him until I was ready to find my own apartment. One evening, I got home from work, and he was heading out. He asked me if I wanted to join him and I agreed since the following day was Saturday. The party turned out to be lit and I had so much fun. My brother knew Kamila, who was my age and introduced us. We became fast friends and would meet often for brunch, coffee, and even to go shopping. Kamila’s house is now like my second home and I even have my own bedroom. Last Saturday, I went to see Kamila since we had plans to clean out her closet and donate what she doesn’t use. When I arrived at her home, I asked her why the AC wasn’t on. It’s so hot outside and I was looking forward to the AC in Kamila’s home that’s always high and amazing. Kamila explained that she wasn’t sure why her AC wasn’t turning on. The problem with her AC had started that morning, and Kamila contacted a nearby HVAC business for assistance. A few minutes later we heard a knock on the door and Kamila let in the HVAC technician who’d been sent to tackle the issue. After an inspection, he said Kamila’s thermostat was faulty and it was time she thought about replacing it. He did manage to get the thermostat working, but it was on its last leg.



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