One more indoor air quality article

I have to write just one more article and then I will do some other work online for another ten minutes, then my workday is done and I can go on with the rest of my day. I have this new friend Avie, whom I am going to meet for the first time, to see if we get along so that maybe one day she will room with me in my flat. I have a roommate now but I think she is going to move out in a couple of months and I would like Avie to move in. An HVAC worker by day and a heating device saleswoman by night, Avie works a lot and earns enough money to cover the rent in a place like my flat. It isn’t cheap living in a flat like this, but living near the beach and having a large and new flat is worth the extra month. My heating and cooling bills are quite high and I need someone who earns enough money to cover their half, and Avie seems like a good fit for the room. I was living here on my own for a year, but the power bills got so high that I couldn’t afford to pay them on my own. Having a heating and cooling specialist is great because she can help me fix my HVAC system if anything goes wrong, and she even knows the importance of cleaning the washable HEPA filter on a regular basis. I think it will all work out and I am looking forward to meeting her this weekend.



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