Two hours to finish six space heater jobs

I am a bit under the gun today with my work as I am going to meet a boy on the beach to do a little volleyball training session. I do this once a week and it gives me a little pocket money each month. I am also going to start teaching a yoga student next month, or maybe even the month after if it is too cold, and that money will almost pay for all of my food for the month. We meet three times a week for a 20 minute yoga session on the beach. The local business near my flat teaches yoga but they do really long sessions and it costs quite a bit of money each month for yoga sessions in a heated room with a couple small space heaters. I like to keep my sessions short and do them every day so that I don’t have to go to a class for a two hour chunk of my day. I also heat up my yoga room with my central heating device and do my session in about 20 minutes. If I do them seven days a week it is about two hours of yoga a week but at smaller chunks at a time. I work part time at the HVAC business doing space heater repairs and I also do a little bit of programming of the smart wifi thermostats for people who come and buy them at the store. I have a pretty good schedule which gives me ample time in the evenings to practice my music with my band.


hvac technician



