I have recently started changing my air filters more often.
The reason being I noticed a sharp decrease in our indoor air quality.
The heating and cooling in my home has always been really good, and even now the heating and A/C is still really good. However, it turns out that I wasn’t changing the air filters often enough. I used to change the air filters out about once every 6 months or so, so about twice a year. For a while, this didn’t seem to have too bad of an effect on my air conditioning component. But once I got two pet cats and a pet dog, that all changed. Suddenly, all of their pet hair was suffocating my poor heating and air conditioning machine. I noticed my indoor air quality was suddenly more stuffy and had a bit of a weird smell. I started researching reasons as to why this might happen, and a lot of people were recommending getting a whole home air purification system, which I could consider, but I didn’t think my air quality was bad enough to need an air cleaning system. That is when I saw someone recommend changing your air filters out more often, and so that is what I decided to do. I bought a huge pack of HEPA air filters, and I started changing them out every few months. That still wasn’t enough, and so now I change the air filters out every month, and I have definitely noticed a difference in my home.