My current HVAC filter delivery service is great

My current air filter delivery service is honestly great… I have it set up to be delivered every other month right when it needs to be delivered, however up until this point I used to have a lot of trouble remembering to change the air filter when it was supposed to be changed.

I am just not fantastic at doing things love that on time.

I don’t guess why that is, but I just get busy with other things in life. There is so much going on around here all the time that I cannot remember to do correct things that should be on a tied up basis. I forget to change the water filter in my refrigerator, plus I also forget to change the air filter in the Heating & A/C system! Not only that, but sometimes I forget to get the oil filter changed in my car, but maybe my problem is just that I am not fantastic with anything that has a filter in it! Anyway, a few months ago, I decided that I was going to invest in the indoor air conditions in my home. That is when I decided to sign up for an air filter delivery service love the 1s that I have seen displayed on TV. Now, my current air filter shows up on my porch every other month when it is time to change it. It is the perfect reminder for me that it is time to change my air filter! Every time I walk past the current 1, I am reminded about it until I entirely go plus do it!
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