Wouldn’t have happened without HVAC maintenance

So I got an email from the HVAC company this morning.

After some initial delays due to some supply chain issues, our new residential HVAC equipment has arrived. This is great news since we’ll be able to face the fierce heat and humidity of Summer with the latest in HVAC technology. We lucked out big time last Summer with the old heat pump. Each Spring, we have always had an air conditioning tune up done on our heat pump. For that matter, we also have heating maintenance done on the heat pump each Fall. While our Winters are relatively mild, it’s always good to know that if we need the heating, the heat pump is ready. But for sure, the air conditioning in the Summer is where we really need the best from our heat pump. And for 27 years, that heat pump provided uninterrupted cooling to our home and family. So last Spring, the HVAC technician told us that our heat pump was near the end. Of course, we should have been expecting that but we weren’t. We chose to try to get through one more summer with the old heat pump so we could have some time to prepare for the new HVAC unit. We got all the way into August before the heat pump was staying on almost non-stop. It just couldn’t keep up with the air conditioning demand. Yet, we got through and we’ll be welcoming new residential HVAC the week after next. But there is no way we get as much quality heating and air from that old heat pump without seasonal HVAC maintenance.

heating and cooling service



