Even my dog knows to relax by the AC air vent

My fine friend and I are getting close to Summertime here in the southeast.

That means the kids will be off of school, families will find a week or two to take a vacation, plus the darn heat will be oppressive. I like summertime, do not get me wrong, however the reason I like it is because of air conditioner. I remain convinced that if some brilliant person had not invented heating plus cooling systems for homes, no one would have ever moved to my state. The only people that would be residing here are the Alligators. haha. Anyway, it does not take a brilliant mind to know what to do when you live here in the south in the summer. even my dog knows to relax by the AC air vent In the Heat of the afternoon… You can find my pup curled up sound asleep with the air conditioner vent just blowing AC on her. She is no dummy. Neither am i. I legitimately care about taking a nice cool shower in the afternoon plus then laying down under the ceiling fan plus enjoying the AC as it blows cool air on me. I have a lot of empathy for people who have to work outside in this kind of Blazing Heat, plus I hope that their managers are smart enough to know that air conditioner is a must plus outside workers should be taking frequent breaks inside where the AC is going plus also drinking plenty of water. Of course if my dog is smart enough to hang out by the a/c, surely the managers of outdoor workers are smart enough to bring their crew into a building with good Cooling.


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