Sal lands great deals because she is a HVAC specialist here in the village.
You wouldn’t think that being a HVAC specialist would make you famous or anything, however the truth is that here in the small village where she lives, everyone knows just about everyone else.
That is how it is with her as one of the HVAC specialists at the only HVAC corporation. Everyone around here knows her as the skinny lady who works on HVAC systems. The reason they call her that is because the other HVAC specialist who works with her is short and chubby. Sal is tall and skinny, and so folks always know which one of them it is by a simple description of them. Anyway, periodically it’s amazing to be well known because people will supply you discounts plus good deals because they are trying to get you to supply them something in return, like a discount on a HVAC system or some kind of HVAC tune up. It’s quite interesting periodically to see what people will do. The last time that Sal was looking for a modern car, she ended up getting a good deal on her car because the guy who was selling it to her was going to be getting a modern central AC installed in his lake house the following week. Sal believes he thought that if he gave her a wonderful deal on the car, then she would give him a wonderful deal on his AC installation. That’s how it works in small places.