Heading home to the land of the heat pump

So I completed my original commitment to the company plus a year.

When I first agreed to move way up north to take over a flailing regional office, I wanted some assurance this wasn’t forever.

I’m a southern guy who isn’t in the winter business. And particularly not in the winter business that requires a gas furnace or a boiler just to survive. I mean, it’s been six years and I still had a space heater under my desk last winter. That’s why I didn’t feel so bad about giving a bit of an ultimatum. I’d done my part and waited another year to get back to the land of the heat pump. And I was just very straight forward about what I expected. Either they figured out how to get me back to the zone controlled HVAC of the southern offices or I’d find my own way back with a different company. It wasn’t a threat at all. I was just stating the facts. Fortunately, I didn’t have to find another job. I had been renting out my house the entire time so it was so great to be home. The HVAC equipment that installed a decade ago, when I bought the place, was still going great. And believe me, I’m so excited to be home. Getting back here at the end of August came with lots of HVAC cooling. But knowing I’m getting back to the best 8 months of weather on earth is pretty exciting. Soon, the air conditioning demand will die out and there will be great temperatures and zero need for any space heater anywhere for me.



heating contractor



