The work week is consistently so long, then i look forward to the weekend.
I just want to take the time to relax.
I need a opportunity to breathe and forget the work week I had. I need it to refresh and be ready for the next week, this is not possible when you have work to do over the weekend… Sometimes the work never ends. This is especially tploy when you are a professor. I consistently take papers house to grade. This past weekend was not so fun or relaxing. I had a ton to do. I had lesson plans, papers to grade, and report cards to do, then unluckyly, my heat stopped working, then not only was I doing all this work, but I was doing it in the cold. I mean I was cold. I had a ton of layers on. I thought about going out to buy a space heater. I thought that would keep me a little moderate at least; Being a professor I couldn’t afford to do that. I called for an Heating and A/C worker but they couldn’t make it to my home until Sunday… For the weekend, I was about to be miserable. The weekend had only started. I did whatever I could to get out of my house. I went to a moderate Starbucks Coffee shop to do all of my work. I spent a lot of time there. I hated that I was kept out of my home because of my Heating and A/C system. Shouldn’t it be the opposite? I should want to stay because of the charming Heating and A/C system, however of course, that weekend was just what I did not need at all.