Getting a new job and not being satisfied with the temperature in the office

There has been nothing I wanted more than a new job.

  • However, there is a saying, be careful what you wish for.

I wish I had not taken my other job for granted. This new job is not the best for me I have come to find. This new job actually, is so cold. It is so cold that I could not imagine spending all of my days here. Even the majority of the days I will be spending here as well. I have to make sure that I dress in a lot of layers during the winter season. I also have to wear extra layers during the summer. They even like to crank the air conditioning during the summer season. The reason for this is beyond me. I think that whoever is in charge of the thermostat must be a very warm person to want to be so cold all of the time. I am also not the only person who has a problem with this. Everyone in my area in the building seems to be cold. At my old job, I never had this issue before. I was always comfortable and I could wear whatever I wanted to wear that day. I almost wish I had my old job back so that I could be completely comfortable in the office. One day I am going to find the person that is in charge of the thermostat. I will certainly convince that person to turn the heat up and the cooling down for the best season temperature. For now, I will have to deal with what I have been given at my new job.

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