There are many things that I currently do not like about my Heating, Ventilation & A/C system, and i have a easily seasoned system you could say.
It seems that nowadays my Heating, Ventilation & A/C system is easily out of date, but the first thing I do not like is my control unit.
It is just a dial on the wall. I can adjust the temperature and that is about it. The other thing I do not like is the air ducts I have throughout my house. The collect dust and dirt. All of that blows right into my cabin and after that I breathe it. I do not like feeling that my air quality is not that great. The last thing is that my furnace is getting pretty old. I have noticed a rise in my bi-weekly bills each month. I have also noticed that my cabin is not quite as moderate as I would like it to be, even some areas are spotty with heat! Some areas of the cabin are moderate and others are cooler feeling. Since I have a concern with all of this, I am deciding to call a local Heating, Ventilation & A/C company to have them look at my system. I want to update everything that I have. I realize that this will be a easily extravagant situation for me, however, it is something that needs to be done. I want to be updated with my Heating, Ventilation & A/C system. I want it to run better for my home. I want my air quality to improve. I want to be able to be in control of more things than just the temperature. I even want to feel warmth all over the cabin and not in only some spots.