Different HVAC per house

When my partner and I were building our home we had no idea that there were different heating and cooling systems.

  • I was severely impressed with our local heating and cooling worker because of his extensive expertise in pointing us to the right direction on where we wanted to go.

He took in account of our interests in wanting to save energy and also our budget in how much money we wanted to spend. First we need to figure out if we wanted to have a mini split system installed or a heating and cooling system such as central air, then basically the difference between a mini split system and central air is that mini-split systems have little to no ductwork… That means that there is actually little energy lost, however central air uses ductwork and it’s more susceptible to leaks in the ductwork. According to our HVAC worker leaky ductworks can account for at least 30% of energy consumption. This is especially the case if the unit is in a unconditioned space like attics or basements. He also said that central air is more extravagant and there is a lot of intrusive ductwork. I wouldn’t mind a mini split system, it seems like it would do just and a central air system however my partner was leaning more towards the idea of having central air installed in our home, and what I actually like and thought was interesting about a mini split system was that in the rooms that we do not use a lot, a thermostat zone control can be installed. Meaning that we can control the temperature in different areas of our house depending on how much we use those rooms. I was actually impressed by the features of a mini split system however in the end my partner and I both agreed that central air would be more beneficial to us in the long run.


zone control



