I have been married to my hubby for about eleven years now plus before that we dated for three years.
When we first started dating we were both still in school plus funds were tight. I lived with four other girls to keep my rent down, even though I was still struggling to pay the bills even with two tasks. My now hubby was the same way, she lived in a gross dwelling with five other guys. That venue was a pig pen plus I never wanted to go over plus visit him there. I always made him come over to my site. The worst part about staying at her dwelling was that she didn’t have central air conditioning. My associate and I would all have to gather around one small window air conditioning equipment in the living room plus use a portable fan in her bedroom. I can’t even describe the smell in that house, just imaging six guys in one dwelling with only one small window air conditioning unit. It always smelled so awful plus they had a immense pet to make matters worse. So, back then she would always come to my dwelling where we had central air conditioning that we always kept at a comfortable 78 degrees. My associate and I also had a furnace for the winter season time which she did not have. My associate and I live in a northern part of the country so the winters can get genuinely cold. So having a working furnace is great. It is also nice to have him around if we ever need someone to ignite the pilot light on the furnace!