Space heater safety

The last thing we need is a fire to destroy our home, even though it is already falling apart

I live in a very poor area of town. Most people don’t even have cars in the area that I live in and we rely on public transportation to get us to and from work everyday. I know that might seem like a forgien idea to some people, but for us it is just an everyday reality. Another thing everyone in my area lives without is a properly working heating and cooling system. Most people don’t have a working heating and cooling system in their homes because they know how expensive they are to maintain. I wish that we could have a heating and cooling system in our home, but it really just isn’t an option. The electric bills alone would be through the roof. So instead we have to use space heaters during the winter months. Space heaters really do a great job of heating your home, but they can be very dangerous if you aren’t careful. I have heard of many space heater fires in our area so I am always very cautious when I turn the space heater on. The last thing we need is a fire to destroy our home, even though it is already falling apart. One day I hope to get a properly working heating and cooling system, but for now we just use the space heaters to keep warm. In the summer, we are out of luck because we don’t have any kind of cooling system, but we have gotten used to it at this point!

More information at this link



