Trying to sleep at husbandy’s house

I’m currently trying something new, which actually sounds a little preposterous. I’ve recently been staying at my husbandy’s dwelling for the first time since we’ve been together – which has been nearly a year now! You see, I’m a bit of a control freak, & that extends to my control component settings. I have absolutely particular preferences for the daytime & nighttime indoor air quality & temperature, & I don’t feel like I can impose my preferences at someone else’s house… Besides not wanting to feel like I’m taking over control of his control unit, he also has a single window component for air conditioning, which I’m not super comfortable with. I just don’t suppose that AC window units are nearly as efficient as central cooling systems. I’ve experienced both, & I actually have had a better time using my central cooling, even though it takes a little while to get the entire household to the air quality that I desire. I felt like my window component never reached its set temperature, & I’m scared that I’ll have the same experience staying at his dwelling now! So far it’s gone well, & I’ve been able to stay pretty comfortable. This is in part due to his much more powerful window unit, which manages to cool the whole apartment, & also in part to my bossy attitude. I’ve been demanding that my buddy and I power on the AC from the moment my buddy and I finish dinner, in order to satisfactoryly cool the air in his kitchen in time for sleeping… We’ll see how the rest of the Summer goes.

air conditioning repair



