Looking for a new electric heating system

Okay, one more article and then off to swim in the Mediterranean Sea for a bit.

I guess my friend and I have hit the lowest temps now, as it is the second day of May, and the effects of the chilly water are entirely therapeutic for me.

I feel a lot more focused after doing the ten minutes in the chilly sea, and I also feel more energetic and happier from doing them. I’m not sure how it all works, but something is going on with my blood chemistry when I take these chilly water dips each day. Heating myself up with a overheated water boiler induced bath is critical as soon as I come home because my body is entirely chilly at that point. There are not many others who do this chilly dip during the wintertime, and I understand why because it is not a comfortable feeling at all. My Heating and Air Conditioning specialist buddy has been doing these dips since he started working for the heating company about ten years ago. He looks entirely young for his age and hasn’t had a chilly in ten years since starting the dips. I work with him doing ductwork repair tasks and heating system replaces, and for a 76 year seasoned person he has an immense amount of energy. I will keep doing them for as long as I feel they are helping my body, and hopefully I can stay young like my Heating and Air Conditioning tech buddy when I am the same age as him. I’m grateful for my tankless overheated water heating system for keeping my baths so nice and hot.

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