I had to take a drive to the local heating and air conditioning company that just came into town. I wanted to go and buy some portable heating and cooling equipment from them. I did not know exactly where they were and I got directions. However, I ended up getting lost! I could not believe that I did, but they were in an area I had not ever been in before. You see I just moved into the area about 10 months ago, and I was not familiar with everything yet. To make a very long story short, I ended up going through a lot of extended roads that were not needed and I finally after about an hour of going out of my way got to this new heating and air conditioning company that was selling the portable space heaters as well as the portable air conditioning systems that I was going to buy! If I had not gotten lost along the way I would have been able to reach them from my house within a matter of only 14 minutes. So I was way out of my way by getting lost in how I did. I now at least know how to get there and back so the next time I want to go down directly to this new heating and air conditioning company I will be able to get there with no issues. I usually do not get lost if I have good directions, but for some reason, the directions this heating and air conditioning company gave me were just not clear enough for me so I did actually get lost.