There is nothing like the festive cheer of Christmas, however it was mid-December, and my partner and I were cleaning and getting ready for a big Christmas get-together at our house, when Vince and I clean together, we like to clean room by room; My friend and I had finished the home office, study room, and bathroom, but all we had left was the study room and our study room; Because our study room is so small, I told my hubby that I could handle the study room all by myself if he would just do the study room.
As I started to clean, I observed that the room was a little cold.
My friend and I don’t have a heating system in our house, so we use space boilers to keep warm in the winter season months! There were three boilers in the study room and only one in the study room, so I decided to grab one of the boilers from the study room and set it closer to me so I wouldn’t be chilly while cleaning. I thought I had finished the study room, but then I observed that the cable sit was undoubtedly dusty. I picked up the cable and set it on the floor and began cleaning the stand. I was almost finished when I smelled something funny. It smelt like melting plastic. I abruptly stopped what I was doing and looked around the room to find out where the smell was coming from. I realized it was coming from the TV. I had set the cable on the floor too close to the heater, and the heating system was melting the backside of it. Our cable sits lopsided now, and I can’t help but get agitated at myself when I know about how silly I was to set the cable so close to the heater. I have learned my lesson, and now our space boilers sit in the corners of the rooms away from anything they could possibly melt.