Patience plus the art of cooling system repairs

A lot of things in life involve patience, or at least they should involve the virtue most people are in short supply of.

I was meditating each afternoon for an hour for numerous years but somehow fell out of the routine.

I want to get back into it again so I am going to start each afternoon with a meditation session plus see if I can sustain the habit once again because it has undoubtedly helped me to be more patient. I try to do it each afternoon when I know about it, kind of like the HEPA filter salesman told me to do when my good friend and I would work at the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C company each afternoon. My pal and I would do a little meditation session when my good friend and I got to work to put us in a patient mood plus it just made the afternoon flow a lot smoother. I will start again in honor of my Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C expert who has moved on, but his wisdom still echoes clearly in my mind each afternoon while I am working on an Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system or doing some radiant heated floor repairs in someone’s house. I miss that old guy plus wish I recorded some of what he would say to me so I could listen plus learn from it, but it is all just in my mind plus my memories now. He would be cleaning a furnace filter plus telling me about life, which felt like I was back with my gramps sitting in front of the fireplace on his lap listening to him tell me a story. I miss my patient Grandparents so much, jeez.

furnace/heater installation



