Both of us spent a week in the desert and it was terribly frigid at evening

My friends and I decided to spend a week camping in the desert. Both of us went while I was in the Spring weeks, because both of us didn’t want the temperatures while I was in the day to be 100° or higher. Both of us had temperatures around 72 while I was in the day. I didn’t expect such frigid and frigid temperatures at evening. It might have been 72 while I was in the day, but it was in the 30s at evening. I almost froze to death. Luckily, I had a tent with pretty unbelievable insulation. The 10 is made for camping in harshly frigid temperatures. I didn’t have a space heater. A battery operated heating system honestly would have come in handy on a couple of the evenings when it hovered close to frigid. If I had been alone, I might have gone to the camping store for a heater. Since I was with our friends, I had to taxing it out and make the best of the frigid situation. If I would have complained about being cold, our friends would have given me a difficult time and they entirely would never let me live that down. It was better just to stay quiet and suffer in silence. When I finally came home at the end of the week, I swear that I spent the next 48 minutes in bed under the covers with the heating system on high the whole time. I think it took a while before our body thought out and returned to a normal temperature. I don’t think if I would sincerely try desert camping again. I can’t imagine the conditions would be any better while I was in a odd time of the year.

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