The last customer of the day was really nice

I had a ductless AC repair on Friday and it was my last job of the day. It was a busy day and I had three repairs. I was late getting to the last repair by almost an hour. I honestly expected the customer to be upset and annoyed. When the woman greeted me with a smile and a friendly hello, I was surprised and shocked. The last job of the day turned out to be a really nice customer. The woman was around the same age as my mom. She asked me a couple of questions about my day, but she didn’t get in the way of me completing the AC repair. After I had been there for a few minutes, The Woman made me a nice cold glass of lemonade. I thought it was a really nice gesture. I worked as quickly as possible and finished up a couple of hours later. It was just before dinner time when I was getting finished. I wrote the customer and invoice and took it to the front door. The customer presented me with a plate of food. I tried to tell the customer that I couldn’t eat, but she insisted that I put something in my stomach before I left for the day. I couldn’t argue with a woman, especially after seeing fried chicken and apple pie. I didn’t have anywhere else to go except home and I wasn’t going to eat anything that night that looked half as good as the free meal that this very nice woman was offering to feed me.

air conditioning install






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