My wifey & I decided to talk to our kids about the idea of having another baby in the family.
They all were surprised & excited.
They said how awesome that would be. One of our daughters was saying that every one of us should have another girl, but I had to say that every one of us couldn’t choose the sex of the baby. She didn’t understand the reason, but I had to tell her she just had to take my word for it. She was frustrated with my response & said she hoped that the baby was a girl. Both of us already have 5 children, & since they were all on board, every one of us thought it would be a fantastic move to make! All our children have been awesome & they all help out around the beach house & they help each other. They also used to fight often over the temperature control settings for the Heating & A/C system. There was a point when every one of us had all their rooms outfitted with window A/C units so they could love their own temperature control settings, but now every one of us have a ductless multi cut which covers all the rooms in the beach house with customized temperature control settings. Both of us also have a guest room in the basement with its own indoor Heating & A/C equipment as well, but every one of us hardly ever have guests. Both of us thought it would be fantastic to move our eldest son into the basement which he asked if he could do in the past anyway. Both of us wanted to keep it a guest room, but every one of us made the fluctuations & every one of us turned his aged room into a dentistry for the baby.
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