I have always been interested in HVAC

Even from a young age, I was always interested in heating and air conditioning units.

That is probably an unusual thing to hear, since I doubt most people even think about their HVAC systems, unless there is something wrong with them.

But as a child, I was always interested in cooling comforts, probably because I was sensitive to temperatures. So when I found out that I had a machine that can control the temperatures to whatever I like, at my disposal, I was fascinated. Unfortunately, my parents wouldn’t let me touch the thermostat or the furnace system for a while. But when I was older and my fascination with HVAC technology continued, they finally relented. My parents originally believed that I was just going through a phase or something, but it wasn’t. I remember when my parents bought a smart thermostat, I was in love with how modern and cool it looked. I would often play with it, and look at all of the cool features. This passion for all things HVAC, led me to experiment with broken HVAC equipment, so I could study the internal parts. I eventually decided to go for HVAC university, after graduating high school. I aced all of my classes, since I had been studying heating and air conditioning for a long time prior to that. I was top of my class, and I was immediately hired with a local HVAC corporation. I still have that job, and I still love working as a HVAC technician. Not very many people can say they love their job, but I do.
Commercial air conditioning system






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