Making a cool learn out of the attic with help from the Heating & Air Conditioning pros

The pandemic particularly changed our perspective a whole bunch.

The fact that I had to be in our home for basically a year & then some undoubtedly changed me fundamentally.

Prior to the pandemic, I spent an inordinate amount of time inside the zone controlled Heating & Air Conditioning comfort of our office. The early strive for achievement that I started out our work with had turned into a bit more of advance at all costs. I just worked all the time because I wanted to climb that corporate ladder. When I was sent home with everyone else to work in our own air conditioner for that Covid year, I simply changed. The blind ambition hastily got deeply tempered by residing in the moment with our family. It was a bit of an epiphany. While I still enjoyed what I did for a residing, I wanted to change our habits once the two of us were free to work in the zone controlled Heating & Air Conditioning of the office again. To that end, I needed a spot for just me if I needed to work from home. So the a single place that I could utilize was the finished attic. It had electricity, sheet rocked walls & a floor. What it didn’t have was heating & cooling. But a trip to the Heating & Air Conditioning contractor was all it took to take care of that. They were able to install a ductless heat pump in the attic. This little heat pump produces all the quality heating & air I could ever want. So now, I have a little learn or family room upstairs in the attic. It’s a nice private place to work or just be quiet. But I’m home with our family & that’s what counts.


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