The temperature control settings

When my cousins started talking about a marathon that was coming up, I couldn’t suppose they all wanted to get in on this.

I never was the best runner plus I knew I wasn’t in shape for this, but they had a plan to get us all in shape.

My cousin Tony has his own apartment gym with zoned heating plus cooling for customized temperature control settings. Normally, he uses the Heating plus A/C system to remain comfortable while he is working out, but in this case, all of us had to test our comfort levels. All of us knew that the marathon was going to be in the Summer plus it was going to be miserably warm while all of us were running. All of us had to get used to running in warm conditions. So imagine how unbearable it was running on treadmills together in his basement with the furnace cranked up! Oh, it was annoyed plus all of us were all dripping with sweat profusely. I had trouble even running a single mile in the beginning, but the more all of us practiced, the easier it all became. Eventually when all of us got closer to the marathon date, I was able to run seemingly forever separate from getting too sleepy, plus that was with the furnace working on a warm day! Well, on the day of the marathon, my parents decided to get us special presents. They said they didn’t want us to be too warm, so they got us cooling hats. These are hats that you dip in water to supply cooling for minutes plus they reflect the sun rays for extra cooling. All of us all ran the marathon faster than all of us thought all of us could manage!

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