When looking into getting a new cooling system for my home, I honestly wanted a system that was going to push the cooling to the max.
I wanted to have the whole household cooled in a matter of no time.
So I had a consultation with an HVAC expert. This guy seemed almost as young as I was, but he was an expert when it came to heating and cooling systems. He said if it were him, he would go for a high velocity cooling system. It sounded cool when he first said the name and he explained that I would have to install new ductwork that is more narrow and specialized for this type of cooling system. He said I could have high velocity heating in my home too. The home would be heated or cooled within minutes, could be up to 15 minutes if the house is way too overheated or chilly. This is exactly what I wanted. I already had a boiler system in my house and I wondered if I should get rid of that. The HVAC expert said I should keep the boiler to use as a backup heating system if I ever had issues with my HVAC equipment down the road. So I went for the high velocity HVAC system that has a combination of both a gas heating system and a powerful cooling system. So far, I have really been enjoying the cooling system from the start of the summer. I tested it a number of times and showed my buddies and family members, and everybody is impressed with the cooling equipment. I can’t wait to test the heating system in the winter months.
energy saving tips
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