An air conditioner malfunction at the school gym

I didn’t exactly see myself as becoming a PE teacher when I was younger, but you get the job that you get and you don’t complain about it.

The truth is, I actually enjoy my work quite a lot, and at least I get to stay in shape instead of having a sedentary job where I sit at a desk all day.

One day recently, I was preparing for my next class when I realized the temperature in the gymnasium was far too high. At first, I didn’t think much of it because the kids would be sweating anyway. After the class, however, I checked the control unit, and it was clearly far too high. Every time I reset the settings of the air conditioner unit, it would lapse, and the temperature would go right back up to where I found it. It was just the previous year when we had an a/c rep come to the school and install brand new air conditioning equipment. The air conditioner expert had chosen cooling products that were cutting edge and energy-efficient to boot. When I noticed the obvious malfunction, I called the same HVAC company we had done business with, and they sent out a repairman. The cooling specialist conducted an air conditioner tune-up, and everything worked well once more. He recommended regularly scheduled maintenance calls to avoid such occurrences in the future. He also mentioned that we had not been replacing the air filter nearly as often as we should have. Since I oversaw his work, I learned more about air conditioning each time.

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