My Kittens are Passed out Under the Sofa

I slept well last night, finally, after several nights of tossing and turning over finances.

I’ve finally let go of it all and turned it over to the universe to work out.

Everything seems to work out better when you don’t overthink it and just release and let go. The Buddhists taught me to let go of everything that comes into our life, good or bad, because it all just passes on by. My kittens don’t worry about anything yet everything works out just fine in their lives. All animals live this way, just letting nature handle all the details. HVAC equipment breaks down, bikes get stolen, and people die but we have to handle them with grace and then move on. There are too many variables in life to try and control all of them so it is better to just let things happen how they happen and accept them without trying to run the whole show. I have a lot of problems that come up when working at the HVAC company but I just solve them and move on without letting them get to me. I guess life is a learning process if you are living truthfully and you end up with more wisdom in the end if you can see the big picture. The other day I had a customer freaking out because the air conditioning’s air handler pan was leaking and causing stains on the ceiling. It was a simple fix and within a couple of hours the leak was fixed and the stains were gone. No need to freak out about something so trivial. Just be happy you are healthy.



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