No hope for the old heat pump

Recently I noticed that my kids’ allergies were acting up, and I suspected that it was because of the new home we had just moved into.

The air quality within our new home was not the best.

I clearly needed to have some renovations done on the house. For one, I would come to find out that the HVAC system was completely useless. At first,I decided to contact an HVAC company to check if there was any hope of restoring the system. I called for an inspection despite the way things looked, because I did not want to spend money on a brand new air conditioning system when there were so many other projects to tackle. The news from the air conditioner expert after she diagnosed it left me brokenhearted. She affirmed that there was nothing we could do for the old HVAC unit, and suggested a few new models for me to choose from. I was not looking forward to buying a brand new HVAC system, but I had no choice. After a series of questions, I came upon a particular model that seemed to be best for my home. Throughout the process of replacing my HVAC system, I learned a lot about HVAC in general. I also came to understand that these renovations would take time, and I would need to tackle them one at a time. Still, I found this home and piece of property to be worth it for me and my family. It would just take time to make things perfect.


energy saving tips






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