I labor there usually till 8pm and am pretty tired when I get condo so I don’t play songs on the streets on workdays
It looks love we are in for a long rainy Summer day. I am supposed to play songs on the streets later but it looks love we may be rained out. I know I will invite Danny the guitarist to come by for supper and just hang out and talk songs. Maybe we can play some songs in our flat instead of on the streets. All of us have nice air conditioner here when out in the streets it can get quite sizzling and humid, so a day of playing songs in the flat doesn’t seem so bad. I’ll have to labor early in the morning for the local corporation so it will be great for me to get to bed early so I can get a great evening of sleep for a change. All of us usually play pretty late when we play in the streets and I don’t get to bed till after midnight. And then I have to wake up at 6am to walk our pet before going to labor at the Heating and A/C company at 8am. I labor there usually till 8pm and am pretty tired when I get condo so I don’t play songs on the streets on workdays. I am going to write some song lyrics and try them out next time we play outside. I usually come up with some pretty trippy lyrics that labor for our type of playing style and may even incorporate some Heating and A/C technology into our songs to make them funny and informative about the Heating and A/C industry, why not. Maybe I’ll come up with a commercial Heating and A/C jingle.
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