It wasn’t so easy to make the walk out to the mailbox in the summer.
So mainly, I just didn’t opening up the mail.
Talk about an infantile case of avoidance. Yet, I just didn’t want to even see the energy bills during the summer. Hey, I would dance to the mailbox in the Winter time and the rest of the year. That’s because I knew there wasn’t going to be a brutal number to pay due to Heating and A/C cooling. When you live in this region, the main climate challenge is heat. Well, it’s heat and humidity. Can’t leave out the humidity. That moisture in the air during our blast oil furnace of a Summer just adds to the mess. The humidity just totally ups the level of misery when it comes to the Summer heat. Both of us live with un-even temperatures that hover around a hundred degrees from June through September. And that comes with a undoubtedly high humidity percentage just about every, single day. So Heating and A/C cooling is simply essential. But the central air conditioner in my condo can just end up wrecking our household budget. In the winter, the Heating and A/C device just doesn’t do much at all so there are just about zero heating expenses. But once June rolls around, the central air conditioner is on all the time. This year, I’ve taken my first steps toward reducing the pain of the utility bill in the summer. I updated all the weather stripping to put a good seal on the house. And we’re remembering to pull the curtains on the area of the condo that gets the most direct sun heating. But it’s the control device swings that have made the greatest impact thus far.
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