This conditioner saved the leather in our car.

I had been noticing a lot of destruction to the leather in our car! I lived in the south, & I was told I should have window film on our windows to block out the sun. I didn’t want to ruin the looks of our new car, so I refused, then two years later, the leather is cracking & the red color is fading. I called the car repair center where I bought the car & told them what had happened. They said they had a sun control window film & they could install it the next morning. The first thing I had to do was choose the shade & the amount of sun control I wanted from the window film. I was nervous it would be too dark & I would get arrested when the police could not see through the film. The repair employer shook her head & said that wouldn’t happen. It would be dark enough to allow sun control, however not dark to reduce our visibility or that of anyone looking in. They may have a strenuous time seeing me when it was dark. I liked what she was saying & asked when I should bring the car back, then every one of us set up an appointment for more than one days later. I could not wait to get the sun control window film installed & stop the aging of our leather seats. I had already talked to someone about restoring the leather & she said it was easy as wiping the dirt off our windows. Once the window film was installed, I was going over to the shop to have the leather restored.

Residential Window Tinting






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